
A C-Language Systems Programming Bootcamp

Level up your career and build new skills.

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MUDDR Curriculum

MUDDR is made for junior software developers who want to level up and diversify their skills.

3-5 Weeks Before Sessions Start


Self-paced study before the session begins. We offer a lot of preparatory materials to make sure everyone starts the bootcamp on the same page. Depending on your background, this can take 100-300 hours.

1. Get familiar with Linux

Our students train to become firmware and systems developers. Most behind-the-scenes computers like servers and embedded devices run Linux, so it's important to be comfortable with it.

2. Brush up on Git and Revision Control

Revision control is an important tool for team programming. You might have used git or some other revision control tool in your job before, but if not, it's a good idea to learn.

3. Learn some theory

Logic, binary, hexadecimal, state machines, assembly language.

1. Transitioning to C Programming

Basic constructs like loops, if blocks, and printing things to the screen.

2. Compiling and Debugging Programs

Working with toolchains and the debugger gdb

3. Variables, Data Types, Pointers and Arrays

Learn about ints, floats and chars.

Session 1, Weeks 1-3

Learn the Basics of C

Hybrid lessons where you will learn the basics of working with C.

Session 2, Weeks 4-6

Data Structures in C

Ever wonder how python dictionaries work? Learn how to implement all the classic data structures on the bare metal.

1. Linked lists.

We'll start you off easy, implementing a linked list in C.

2. Trees

We will start out building a binary tree in C and discuss techniques for searching and rebalancing.

3. Hash Tables

Time permitting, we will build a hash table in C.

1. Transitioning to C Programming

Basic constructs like loops, if blocks, and printing things to the screen.

2. Compiling and Debugging Programs

Working with toolchains and the debugger gdb

3. Variables, Data Types, Pointers and Arrays

Learn about ints, floats and chars.

Session 1, Weeks 1-3

Learn the Basics of C

Hybrid lessons where you will learn the basics of working with C.